Dominoes are small, flat, rectangular blocks used as game pieces. They’re typically twice as long as they are wide, which makes them easier to re-stack. The identity-bearing faces are marked with an arrangement of spots, or pips, like those on dice. The number of pips on each side of a domino determines its value. The highest-value piece is the double six, with six pips on each end.
There are many different domino types, depending on the size and shape of the tiles. Some are smaller and more compact, while others are larger and less easy to handle. They’re also categorized by the pips on each tile.
Despite their simplicity, dominoes are intricately designed and constructed. The first step in creating one is to brainstorm a theme or purpose for the design. After that, she works out the details of each section and makes test versions to make sure everything functions properly.
When she’s happy with the way each section looks, she puts them together. She starts with the biggest 3-D sections, then adds the flat arrangements and finally the lines of dominoes that connect them all.
Then comes the hardest part: figuring out how to get them all to move at the same time. In order to do this, she uses a version of the engineering-design process that she learned from her father.
She follows a similar technique when it comes to assembling each domino section, filming it in slow motion to make sure it’s working properly before she puts them up on the wall. When she’s satisfied with the result, she adds the final line of dominoes to complete her creation.
What’s interesting about this process is that it mimics the way energy works. Once a domino is set up, it stores potential energy based on its position, which is stored until it’s knocked over. Once the first domino falls, however, much of that potential energy is transformed to kinetic energy, or energy of motion.
This kinetic energy is then transmitted to the next domino in the chain. With each domino falling, more potential energy is converted to kinetic energy and the cycle repeats until the last domino falls.
In addition to their physics-based effects, dominoes can also serve as a reminder of the power of commitment and consistency. When someone makes a commitment, it sets off a cascade of behavior that can help them achieve their goals.
For example, if you commit to making your bed every day, you are setting the stage for more self-discipline and organization in other areas of your life. Once you make a habit of doing so, you start to believe that this is who you are and that you’re capable of doing it.
This effect can apply to your personal life as well as your business. It’s important to choose the right dominoes, and to focus on them daily. This approach can be helpful in ensuring that you accomplish your goals and keep your company moving forward.